Sunday, 23 October 2011

Digital drawing

I've only been using photoshop and illustrator for the past year or so and am definately still learning. I think I need to allow myself to play around with it a little more, I love how easily you can take a small drawing like here, I have scanned in my kitchen utensil embroidery design, and play around with it, changing colours and layouts. it's a wonderful tool, particularly for someone like me for who drawing is regretably more of a chore than it should be.

I intend to print this out, frame it and one day hopefully hang it in the beautiful red and blue kitchen I've always dreamed of.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Back to school

For all the grand plans of stitching, embroidering and bag making I had upon my return to cardiff I failed to factor in one important detail; the astronomical workload expected at third year degree level.

Not that I should be at all surprised, any course where the entirety of the marks are earned in the final year is bound to be full on. But I think a summer of relaxing, leisurely afternoons spent reading in the sunshine and entirely suiting myself made me forget a little of how real life actually is.

So for now, my personal projects must be set aside and every waking hour is filled with drawing, designing, project briefs and deadlines. It just serves to remind me how lucky I am to be doing a degree in something I am so passionate about so that despite the pressures and the long hours of working, I can truly say that I enjoy what I do.