Yesterday evening I grew tired of sitting at my computer staring at Photoshop and so I set to working on some of my Christmas presents I have yet to finish. I'm attempting to sew an iphone case for my brother and in my naivety decided leatherette was the way forward. Well I've never worked with it before and I've come to realise it's not as easy as I first thought, you can't pin it, it's tricky to fold over a hem and if you get the sewing wrong the first time that's it! And on something as small and fiddly as a phone case. Not easy! So, before I lost my temper with it and threw it out the window into the river, I decided to put it down and make myself a clutch bag from the remaining material :)

It was the easy-peasiest thing ever, just a simple rectangle of leatherette, hemmed the lining and outer material in together, popped a clasp on it, voila! Roughly an hour later I had myself a cute new clutch. I wanted one a little bigger for the day time that I can fit my purse, a notebook, keys, phone and everything in. I decided to line it with this slightly garish Kaffe Fasset print fabric for a definite contrast and I actually think it works really well.