I love Autumn and I although I'm not mad keen on Halloween I am as crazy as the next person/pinterest user for all things pumpkin. last year I struggled to find a decent culinary pumpkin but this year they seem to be everywhere. I've definitely had more than my fair share of pumpkin bread/pumpkin soup/pumpkin pie/pumpkin everything!
I had a pumpkin on the ledge between my kitchen and lounge for about a week and was sad when I finally cut it, I particularly like the colour combination between this beautiful orchid, it's brightly coloured pot and my beloved pumpkin, I'm not usually into bright clashing colours so it was quite a surprise to me that I was so taken by it. So next time I went shopping I found this gorgeous miniature 'munchkin pumpkin' which is now sitting, purely decorative on the ledge, a lovely little bit of Autumnal décor :)