Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Three years in the making (and counting)

At least three years, maybe more. I am far from the worlds greatest knitter, I can knit just about, squares and rectangles, nothing complicated, no fancy stitches. But a simple scarf I can manage.

It's not as if I am a horrendously slow knitter, no that's not the problem. I am an inconsistent knitter. I will come across my poor, half-finished scarf occasionally, stuffed away in a bag under my bed. And on days like today, with grey skies and endless drizzle, the idea of curling up with some daytime TV and a ball of wool seems like the only option.

So I'll knit, and I'll knit, for a few days furiously working away at it, wondering why on earth I don't knit more, such a simple and comforting pastime. But after a while I'll become distracted by something else, or become despondent that I seem to be making little progress despite my efforts and my poor scarf will fall by the wayside, only to be tidied once more back beneath the bed.

To be honest, I'm not sure I even want to finish it. I'm not really a thick cosy scarf person at all. And the colours I chose at 18 or 19, though nice, maybe aren't the ones I would choose now. But I'll keep going with it now, after all don't they often say it's the journey not the destination that really counts?

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