Wednesday, 30 November 2011

O Christmas tree

Last year, inspired by lots of felted, sequined tree decorations (with extortionate price tags) I saw in lots of shops I decided to make my own. Here they are, a fraction of the price of bought ones and with added sentimental value.

I love the idea, when I am old, of having a Christmas tree full of handmade decorations made over the years. So I decided each year to make a new collection and embroider the date on the back. This year I was inspired by the Scandinavian designs that are appearing everywhere.

Although I think in future I might have to just make one decoration each year, either that or eventually I will have to have a ginormous tree to fit all the decorations!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

...and the Christmas frenzy descends!

I'm not going to lie, I lovelovelove Christmas! Or rather, I love Christmas preparation, the anticipation of it. The run up to Christmas is for me about baking spiced Christmas cookies and curling up on cold dark evenings watching old Christmas movies or listening to Bing Crosby, and wrapping presents. There is just something so cosy and wonderful about this time of year; the gathering of friends and family, eating too much of the kinds of foods you can't normally justify and overwhelming perfusion of happiness. Anyone who doesn't enjoy a bit of Christmas is clearly taking life too seriously in my
This is just one of the Christmas card designs I have been creating for this year. I don't know if it's just me but every year I have grand intentions of creating beautiful hand-made cards for everyone, only to make one, possibly two and then run out of time and have to buy the rest. So this year I decided to be realistic and create my cards digitally so I could draw a few designs and print off as many as I need. Result! Not sure why I never thought of this before really.

Monday, 28 November 2011

The wonders of technology

My laptop decided that Wednesday evening, the night before a tutorial, was the ideal time to contract a virus that wiped absolutely everything off of it. Luckily I didn't loose too much work, just a couple of simple designs I'd done that day. And most importantly, I'd backed up my dissertation earlier that day. I feel physically sick when I consider the idea of having my dissertation lost. But luckily I had the forethought to back it up. This isn't the first time I've had a sudden urge to back up important work just a few hours before a technological crisis. So I urge everyone, if you ever have a nagging feeling to back up something important. Do it. Don't leave it til later!

So the long and short of it is, I've spent the last couple of days computer free and it has struck me just how much I rely on it. For music, television, watching films, work. If I added up the amount of hours in the day I spent sat at my laptop I'd likely be horrified. So I've used this time as an opportunity to spend some time doing more constructive things.

 I spent a lovely evening yesterday hand sewing some Christmas tree decorations, something I've been meaning to do for ages and this morning I dragged my sewing machine out from the bottom of my wardrobe (I don't even remember the last time I used it) and not only fixed the zip on a dress that broke a good month ago at least but also started sewing a Christmas present that again, I've been meaning to start for weeks.

 It just goes to show, I'm convinced I'd be much more constructive were it not for my laptop and I've vowed, once a month to spend at least a weekend completely without even switching my computer on to allow myself a chance to get on with all kinds if things I've been meaning to. Don't get me wrong, I love technology and the Internet is a wonderful invention, but it isn't half distracting!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Raspberry, White Chocolate & Amaretto muffins

I baked some muffins to take to a friend who had been feeling unwell this week, I find cake makes everything better. I adapted the recipe from this book which I've had for years but for some reason have never made anything from.

I have to say, they were delicious. The white chocolate and the Amaretto were my own addition, the only thing better than cake is a cake/alcohol combo in my opinion. Anyway it's spurred me on to try some more recipes from this book, I'm especially intrigued to try something from the savoury section, it's never occurred to me to bake a savoury muffin, it seems an odd idea but I will withold my verdict until I've tried it out. Watch this space...

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Finished! phew

Sketchbook filled, evaluation written, final designs printed. Everything ready for my first third year hand-in tomorrow. And in surprisingly good time. Being normally one of those who leaves everything to the last minute, I made a promise to myself that for my final year I would pull my finger out, keep on top of work and, six weeks in, it appears to still be working.

 (Some close up shots of my final pieces)

Throughout school, and then college and then first and second year at uni I was always the one who 'could have tried harder' I did ok, but if I had made that little bit of extra effort I could have done better than ok. So I decided that now was the time to put my foot down. After all the time and money put into my degree I refuse to look back on it and think that I could have done more. I don't want to get my grade back in June and regret not having stretched myself just a tiny bit more. So, I'm giving it my best this year and if I scrape by with a grade lower than I would like it will be because that is the very best I can do, not because of lack of effort!