I'm not going to lie, I lovelovelove Christmas! Or rather, I love Christmas preparation, the anticipation of it. The run up to Christmas is for me about baking spiced Christmas cookies and curling up on cold dark evenings watching old Christmas movies or listening to Bing Crosby, and wrapping presents. There is just something so cosy and wonderful about this time of year; the gathering of friends and family, eating too much of the kinds of foods you can't normally justify and overwhelming perfusion of happiness. Anyone who doesn't enjoy a bit of Christmas is clearly taking life too seriously in my

This is just one of the Christmas card designs I have been creating for this year. I don't know if it's just me but every year I have grand intentions of creating beautiful hand-made cards for everyone, only to make one, possibly two and then run out of time and have to buy the rest. So this year I decided to be realistic and create my cards digitally so I could draw a few designs and print off as many as I need. Result! Not sure why I never thought of this before really.opinion!

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